This former landfill site and operational recycling centre had been identified for the storage and processing of Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) from the city's Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility. As a whole Chelson Meadow is a prominent landscape in the area, rising above the Plym Estuary and topographically flowing in relation to the landscape of Saltram Estate, a Listed National Trust asset. In this respect Chelson Meadow maintains an important green gap and large buffer, both to Saltram Estate and the open landscape to the east but ultimately also between the urban areas of Plympton and Plymstock. Allen Scott undertook a number of studies on the effects of differing storage quantities to determine maximum levels and proposed planting and bund screening mitigation to further minimise impacts. Liaising with the local authority and completing the landscape and visual section of the ES the scheme was granted planning permission.