The central urban park is the first public space to be delivered through the South Kilburn Regeneration programme in north-west London. The council are selectively demolishing existing tower blocks and replacing them with buildings at higher densities that positively address the streets and public realm, including the creation of courtyards, communal gardens, squares and local parks. The area is characterised by terraces and tower blocks, many of which are on raised decks with little or no provision/access to communal open space. Over time the area has become overcrowded and run-down, and whilst having a strong sense of identity and community, also badly suffers from anti-social behaviour and lack of cohesion. The overarching objective of the project was 'to knit South Kilburn into its geographical context and to create an environment that allows people to improve their lives, aspire and believe'. The landscape design and delivery process was undertaken in collaboration with the community and local partners to strengthen community cohesion, contribute to the longevity of the Friends Group and ensure the park is well used and looked after into the future.